I’m a certified Advanced Energy Healer, certified CranioSacral Therapist, Certified Energy Editor® and EASE Method® practitioner, and seer of things that often go unseen.
Since 1997, I’ve helped high-achieving, empathetic people like you release stress and emotional burdens in ways that are sometimes lighter and faster than therapy*, so you can enjoy more energy, creativity and fun in your life.
As a kid, I learned first-hand that the world isn’t always kind to highly sensitive people. Despite growing up in a world that values competition over compassion, I found a way to harness my gentleness as a superpower to help myself and other big-hearted people be seen for who they are, and live fully.
I believe that the mask of being “fine” has become an invisible mental health epidemic. Our bodies store up the untended stress and wounds that we may not be aware exist.
Many of my clients say I should open my own psychic hotline – because I have a way of asking questions and seeing hidden blocks within you in ways that are impossible to access through your conscious mind.
My ability (and passion) to approach heavy issues and trauma with lightness and curiosity, make it possible for you to change with surprising ease and far less effort than you would imagine. It’s my mission to make the world a kinder, gentler, more connected place through my healing services – one person at a time.
*Advanced Energy Healing is not a substitute for medical care. It is vital to properly diagnose and treat medical and emotional issues with your doctor or psychologist.

“Martha instantly knows how to unlock or shift the issue. No hesitation, No fumbling around, and voilà, magic happens.”
– Carrie Sjaarda, PhD
“Martha helped me with a huge transition. In one energy healing session, she revealed how the sadness I was experiencing was actually a huge growth opportunity in disquise. Martha makes healing seem easy and has a unique ability to turn the maze of healing into a process that’s fun and safe.”
– Melissa Morrisette
I’ve trained extensively in body-based therapies and energy healing since 1997. I bring a wealth and breadth of experience and insight into helping you find lasting change, freedom and a life you’ll love.
- Certified Advanced SOMA® Neuromuscular Integration Practitioner
- Upledger Institute Techniques Certified CranioSacral Therapist.
- Certified Inner Focus Advance Energy Healer (4-year program)
- Certified EASE METHOD® Practitioner
- Certified Energy Editing® professional
EASE METHOD®, developed by Michelle Lowbridge, is a set of techniques for getting clients’ energy into alignment, so that you can help them find greater EASE, no matter what challenge they’re facing.
Energy Editing®, developed by Michelle Lowbridge, is a system for creating rapid change. As a healing methodology, it gets straight to the heart of an issue by clearing the fears, thoughts, beliefs and emotions that cause and perpetuate the problems you’re experiencing.Your energy system is the blueprint for your emotional, mental, and spiritual processes– by clearing stress from the system we can facilitate healing in all these areas – helping you to feel lighter, brighter, happier and more content.Energy Editing® is designed to focus on emotional issues, unhelpful thought patterns, limiting beliefs, fears, and mindset-blocks.It’s gentle, yet powerful, and it’s non-invasive – the practitioner does not touch the client, and it can therefore be used easily over video-chat as well as in person.
Energy Editing® has helped thousands of people all over the world to feel better about themselves, by releasing life-long limiting beliefs and unwanted patterns.